Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Flirt, Love, Get Killed

I was at the bus stop doing nothing as usual. I was a loner; I was a nomad. I worked only to quench my thirst; my hunger. Basically I was a suave vagabond who didn’t worry about the perils of life. I lived like there is no tomorrow. I waited for destiny to embrace me.

And then suddenly out of nowhere, she came. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I never thought I could love a girl. I was too busy living on my own spirits. But seeing her I knew, something changed inside me, for good.

I sought her attention. But she didn’t bother and stayed clung to her phone. My mind was working furiously. I knew I needed her. I was devising plans and plots to woo her; to get her. I decided buzzing my songs for her. Passersby waved furiously at me. But I managed fine, dodging. All I wanted was her attention. But to no avail. She was a stone. There was a good chance she was deaf but I didn’t care.

She took a cab out of the blue. I had my own means. I followed her furiously. Sweat and tears rolling. Never have I been so fast. The cab reached her house and parked and I halted too. I followed her stealthily and keeping out of sight. She opened her door and went inside. Foolish girl, I thought. I sneaked in. Stealth has always been my forte. I saw her taking her water bottle and walk to her room. I followed suit being sure she was deaf. I walked into her room. Still nothing came up. She was still acting as if I didn’t even exist. I was not a bloody ghost, I thought. Sure I was ok assuming her deaf. But I knew she wasn’t blind.

I got annoyed. Its one thing being told a ‘No’ but something altogether wretched when there is so much indifference around. I went stupid; I went brave. I touched her shoulder.

She was finally struck with sense and for the first time she looked at me. It was beautiful. I was lost looking at her blue, deep eyes. If someone knew how heaven felt, I am sure he/she (for gender equality) would describe it exactly the way I felt right now. This moment of love was something I never knew before. Her gaze was passive. Her posture grew stiff. But it didn’t bother me. I stared at her with all the grace my love could muster up. She moved her radiant arms and brought it near me. I stayed mesmerized.

She slapped her shoulder mildly. Pain grew inside me. I bled, I withered. She cursed something objectionable and shrugged me off her shoulders. She didn’t even look back and left me for dead on her floor. I was heartbroken; metaphorically and literally. I wish I could tell her how much I loved her. I wish I could tell her not all of us suck blood and spread malaria.

Dying sucks, irony intended.

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